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John Pawson把“极简主义”定义为:“当一件作品的内容被减至最低限度时所散发的完美感觉。当物体的所有组成部分、所有细节以及所有的连接都被减少压缩至精华时,它就会拥有这种特性,这就是去掉非本质元素的结果。”
John Pawson defines "minimalism" as follows: "The perfect sense that emanates when the content of a work is reduced to its bare minimum. When all the components, details, and connections of an object are reduced and compressed to their essence, it acquires this characteristic, which is the result of removing non-essential elements."
John Pawson有“极简主义之父”之称。从上个世纪八十年代开始,当欧美的设计潮流主要还是走奢侈华丽路线的时候,Pawson却已经开始致力于设计简洁而有力的空间。几乎很难在他设计的空间里找到任何的装饰物,甚至找不到除了白色之外的任何其他色彩。John Pawson曾经为僧侣们设计过庙宇,但是在最初,就连僧人们也有点儿担心Pawson给他们设计的这个新家有点过于素了。然而今天,这股设计风潮已席卷全球。
John Pawson is known as the "father of minimalism." Starting from the 1980s, when the design trends in Europe and America were mainly focused on luxury and opulence, Pawson was already dedicated to creating spaces that are simple yet powerful. It is almost impossible to find any decorations in the spaces he designs, and even colors other than white are rarely present. Pawson has designed temples for monks, and initially, even the monks were a bit concerned about the minimalist nature of the new homes he designed for them. However, today, this design trend has swept across the globe.
约翰·波森勋爵(John Pawson CBE)用了三十多年的时间创作了严谨简约的建筑,这些作品表达了基本原则,同时又具有谦逊的特质。他的作品涵盖了广泛的尺度和类型,包括私人住宅、宗教建筑、画廊、博物馆、酒店、芭蕾舞台设计、游艇内饰和湖上的一座桥。
John Pawson CBE has spent over thirty years making rigorously simple architecture that speaks of the fundamentals but is also modest in character. His body of work spans a broad range of scales and typologies, from private houses, sacred commissions, galleries, museums, hotels, ballet sets, yacht interiors and a bridge across a lake.
正如阿尔瓦·阿尔托(Alvar Aalto)的铜门把手被形容为“建筑的握手”,通过眼所见和手所触,与空间哲学的本质进行互动是波森作品的一个显著特点。他的方法是以同样的方式对待建筑和设计任务,因为“一切都是建筑”。
As Alvar Aalto’s bronze door handle has been characterised as the ‘handshake of a building’, so a sense of engaging with the essence of a philosophy of space through everything the eye sees or the hand touches is a defining aspect of Pawson’s work. His method is to approach buildings and design commissions in precisely the same manner, on the basis that ‘it’s all architecture’.
Whether at the scale of a monastery, a house, a saucepan or a ballet, everything is traceable back to a consistent set of preoccupations with mass, volume, surface, proportion, junction, geometry, repetition, light and ritual. In this way, even something as modest as a fork can become a vehicle for much broader ideas about how we live and what we value.
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