对经典设计的诠释与思考 季裕棠Tonychi
台湾出生的设计师Tony Chi,作为studio tonychi的创始人,与我们共同探讨他的设计实践背后的意义,通过对过去的回忆和对未来的责任进行思考和对话。在高端酒店的开发项目中,作为室内设计领域的卓越代表,需要在高级美学和极致舒适之间取得平衡。通过对材料和家具的精细研究,实现对永恒设计的最终诠释。
Founder of the studio tonychi, Taiwanese born designer Tony Chi joins us for a conversation about the meaning of his practice through memories of the past and responsibility towards the future. As a sublime expression of the design discipline, the development of interior design projects for high-end hospitality structures entails a delicate and fascinating balance between top-class aesthetics and ultimate comfort, through the finest research of materials and furniture pieces, to achieve the definitive interpretation of timeless design.
tonychi studio设计的项目遍布全球,并涵盖了酒店行业的顶级品牌。包括凯悦集团旗下的安达仕酒店、柏悦酒店和君悦酒店,以及瑰丽酒店及其康乐品牌Asaya,还有文华东方酒店、丽思卡尔顿酒店和洲际酒店集团的洲际酒店。Tonychi在充满挑战的奢华酒店行业中建立了令人瞩目的职业生涯,同时保持着谦虚和谦逊的态度。在没有容许错误且竞争激烈的环境中,应该以极大的关注和尊重来阅读,将其视为宝贵的学习机会。与此同时,我们将以他的室内设计作品来展示,以展现展示其价值和独特之处。
The list of projects developed by the firm reaches a global scale and counts names from the very top of the hôtellerie industry including brands from the Hyatt group such as Andaz, Park Hyatt, and Grand Hyatt, as well as Rosewood Hotels and its wellness brand Asaya, and furthermore Mandarin Oriental, Ritz Carlton and InterContinental from the IHG group. The words of a man who preserves a great deal of humbleness while building a prestigious career in the challenging luxury hospitality industry, where no mistake is allowed and competition is fierce, should be read with great care and respect as great learning opportunities. In the meanwhile, we will leave his interior designs to speak for themselves.
Tonychi studio in New York. Photo credit: Michael Moran
Fabio Colturri : Tony Chi是谁?为什么选择从事室内设计?
Fabio Colturri : Who is Tony Chi and why interior design?
Tony Chi : 作为设计师,我相信这不仅仅是一种职业,更是一种使命或者终身的追求。如果回顾我的个人经历,我必须说让我选择从事设计和酒店行业的最初启发和感动是在我还是个孩子的时候,家人带我参加家庭活动(如婚礼、生日派对),这些活动大多在酒店举行。我将酒店视为庆祝特殊时刻的场所。随着我年龄上的增长,我发现酒店也是一个独特文化与礼仪的实践场所。这种礼仪激励着人们,并通过他们与他人的互动影响着自己的行为方式。
Tony Chi : As designers, I believe that this is not only a profession but a calling or a vocation for a lifetime. If we go back to the very beginning in my own life experience, I must say my first inspiring and moving movements that led me to pursue a career in design and hospitality were when I was a child with my family taking me to family events (weddings, birthdays) which, for the most part, took place in hotels. I perceived hotels as places to celebrate the extraordinary moments. As I grew older, I discovered that hotels were also places where a unique culture and etiquette were practiced. This etiquette inspires people and influences their own etiquette with their interactions with other people.
Park Hyatt Kyoto. Photo credit: ©Nacása & Partners Inc.
Park Hyatt Kyoto – The Living Room. Photo credit: ©Nacása & Partners Inc.
Design is not only about crafting what you will see but the emotions and experiences for people in their lives. Encountering and discovering this drew me into the world of design and hospitality. It is always a learning experience with every project.”
Park Hyatt Kyoto room in Pagoda House. Photo credit: ©Nacása & Partners Inc.
Fabio Colturri : 能和我们讲一下您和您第一位客户的故事吗?
Fabio Colturri : Can you tell us a story about you and your first customer?
Tony Chi : 这是为一位年轻企业家在纽约设计的一个小型公寓住宅,后来我们成为了亲密的朋友。我开始在纽约的Charles Morris Mount工作室从事设计。工作室里有一个厨房,我们会在那里一起用餐和开会。作为一名酒店设计师,Charles认为如果我们在日常生活中倡导待客之道,我们就能够更好地理解和实践酒店设计的理念。
Tony Chi : It was a small apartment residence in New York for a young entrepreneur who later became a close friend. I had started the design profession at the studio of Charles Morris Mount in New York. Charles had a kitchen in the studio where we would gather for shared meals and meetings. As a hospitality designer, he believed that we could practice and express hospitality design if we practiced such in our daily lives.
Park Hyatt Kyoto room interior. Photo credit: ©Nacása & Partners Inc.
Park Hyatt Kyoto room in Pagoda House. Photo credit: ©Nacása & Partners Inc.
In this apartment residence, it was a learning experience where I made the connection that hospitality not only existed in restaurants and hotels but in people’s homes as well. I also learned that a residence is a place that grows and evolves with the person’s own life journey. It is not about seizing one moment in time but allowing the residence to be able to transform itself over the years.
Which are the main values, core concepts or style inclinations that, above all, will always represent Tony Chi?As humans, we are collectors not only in material things but also in memories, situations, and encounters. How do we allow for this life of encounters those already made and those to be made to be expressed in one’s residence? This is what I had learned in this early project experience. Life is about learning no matter what age or stage of life we are going through. I believe that learning and willing to explore allow you to grow, to mature and achieve quality in life and design. These are the values that I fostered when I started the tonychi studio.
Rosewood Hotel Hong Kong. Photo credit: Rosewood Hong Kong
A life in design is a continuous learning process. You are not reaching an apex or culminating at a certain level but always growing and fostering yourself to evolve and mature. Expanding on this from a personal level into your design practice. Second, design is about being thoughtful. You must have the thoughtfulness of everyone that will encounter a space, how they will experience the space in every instance. The people that live there, the people that work there, the people that visit there and last but not least the surroundings of the space. These are all people and instances that matter. These are the values I have instilled within myself and those around me.
Rosewood Hotel Hong Kong – Manor Club. Photo credit: Rosewood Hong Kong
Fabio Colturri : 室内空间不仅仅是静态的实体,而是充满了人们的时刻、相遇、思考和活动的生态系统。您是如何塑造空间的体验的呢?
Fabio Colturri : Interiors are not static entities but lively systems, filled with people’s moments, encounters, thoughts, and movements. How do you shape the experience of a space?
Park Hyatt Shanghai infinity pool. Photo: Michael Moran
Tony Chi : 我喜欢讲故事,寻找还未讲过的故事是一项令人着迷的事业。在每个项目中,我们将要讲述怎样的故事?这个故事将如何随着人们在空间中的体验而展开?设计并不仅仅关乎我们所看到的,关乎我们和未曾预见的事物的相遇。这是一种无形的体验:情感、体验和记忆。这些才是人们永远能够带走的宝贵财富。每个人在与空间相遇时都会有独特的体验,无论是偶尔与空间相遇,还是在日常生活旅程中每天与空间相伴。
Tony Chi : I love storytelling and finding the story to be told is a fascinating endeavor. In every project, what will be the story to be told? How will the story fold out with people’s experiences in a space? Design is not necessarily about what we see but the encounter with what we not necessarily see before us. It is the intangibles: the emotions, the experiences, and memories. This is what people will always be able to take with them. There is such an experience for every type of person who will encounter the space whether they encounter the space only for one occasion or every day in their daily life journeys.”
Park Hyatt Shanghai – Chairman Suite. Photo: Michael Moran
Fabio Colturri : 针对可持续性的发展,最重要的三要素是什么?
Fabio Colturri : What are the three most important elements for sustainable development?
Tony Chi : 首先,我们必须认识到“大自然”是社会对我们的最初款待。在自然界中,树木为我们提供遮荫和防止阳光和热量的侵袭,同时也为我们遮挡雨水。大自然以许多微妙的方式款待我们,而我们往往未能意识到。我相信,要实现和谐,我们必须意识到大自然向我们施予的这种款待。当我们有这种意识时,我们可以学会探索如何回报大自然的恩德。无论空间或结构位于城市环境、乡村、私人住宅还是公共空间,大自然都环绕着我们。我们如何将自己融入自然环境中,以免对自然造成干扰呢?
Tony Chi : First, we must recognize that “Mother Nature” is society’s first expression of hospitality. In nature, the tree gives us shade from the sun and heat and also gives us shelter from the rain. Nature presents countless gestures of hospitality that are subtle that, in most cases, we are not aware of it. I believe that in order for us to achieve harmony we must have awareness of nature’s gesture of hospitality bestowed to us. When we have this awareness, we can learn to explore how to return our gratitude to nature. Whether the space or structure is in an urban environment, in the countryside, a private residence or public space, nature surrounds us. How do we integrate ourselves within the natural environment so as not to disturb nature?”
Rosewood London Hotel interior. Photo credit: Durston Saylor/ Rosewood London
Fabio Colturri : Tony Chi:“我们如何拥抱大自然,让大自然继续款待我们?最后,当我们建立了这种关系,我们可以思考如何为未来多年甚至世代提供可持续的解决方案。”总结起来,这三个步骤是?
Fabio Colturri : Tony Chi: "How do we embrace nature so that nature will continue to embrace us? Finally, when we establish this, we may then explore how do we foresee the property for many years and generations to follow. "In summary, the three steps are?
Tony Chi : 1)意识到周围的自然环境以及它向我们款待的方式。2)我们如何学会与自然融为一体,与它的款待相辅相成? 3)我们如何预见结构或空间在时间的推移中持续存在、成长和老化,就像我们在创造一个“正在形成的生命”一样。”
Tony Chi : 1) Awareness of the surrounding nature and natural environment and how it bestows its hospitality to us. 2) How do we learn to integrate ourselves within nature and complement her hospitality? 3) How do we foresee the structure or space sustaining itself over time, growing and aging over time just as if we are conceiving a “life in the making”.”
Rosewood London Hotel interior. Photo credit: Durston Saylor/ Rosewood London