Aspekt Office OCE旗舰店

空间     |      12 october 2020          9650     |      文章来源:Aspekt Office官方授权

项目坐落于哥本哈根Niels Hemmingensgade 街3号,系OCE的全新旗舰店,由Aspekt Office事务所操刀设计。新店位于商业步行街区 “strøget”的中央,所在建筑主体具有经典的欧式风格与悠久历史。

At Aspekt Office, we have been responsible for the design of OCE’s brand-new flagship store on Niels Hemmingensgade 3 in Copenhagen. The new store is located in the middle of the pedestrian high-street “strøget” in an old classic building.

OCE是一个大受欢迎的中国生活品牌,在中国设有大约50家畅销分店。OCE致力于打开欧洲市场,因此委托Aspekt Office事务所为其设计一间简约大气,同时具有欧式氛围的旗舰店。业主的设计要求十分明确——运用经典的斯堪的纳维亚式(scandinavian)建筑外观营造北欧风格,彰显OCE企业文化与新式生活理念,以及,也是最重要的一点,吸引当地消费者。

OCE is a large and popular Chinese lifestyle brand with approximately 50 active stores In China. They are now expanding their concept to Europe, and in this connection, they contacted us. The design requirements for the new store were clear and concise – OCE wanted us to create a Nordic atmosphere and add a Scandinavian look, feel and expression to their brand, to be able to attract Scandinavian costumers. That was paramount.


Aspekt Office事务所与OCE保持了多年的友好合作关系,基本相当于OCE的创意总监,长期协助中国团队进行产品与室内设计。由于本案采用了先锋的设计理念与大量高质量的装潢材料,来展示OCE的品牌服装与家私产品,设计师将店铺划分成不同的区域,不同功能空间的具体表现形式也不尽相同。

We have worked closely with the OCE for several years and handles the role of creative directors. We help the Chinese team with product and interior design on the daily. Since OCE both have a clothing collection and a home-department with a large selection of top-quality interior design and decorations, we decided to divide the store into different zones with different specific expressions.


首层/The first floor


In general, we have worked with as few colors as possible to make their colorful products stand out and take the primary focus. When costumers enter the store, the first thing they notice is the warm and welcoming counter. To the right of the counter, costumers will find the home-department zone, and to the left, the fashion zone unfolds.



The counter on the first floor is made of oak, a frequently used type of wood in Scandinavian design. The oak-counter creates the natural base, is light-colored, and contributes to the light and airy atmosphere. Solid oiled oak profiles cover the wall behind the counter and provide a warm contrast to the otherwise white universe.



In the home-department zones, we have implemented a very sterile and raw expression to ensure that the products are the main focus. All products are displayed on special-designed shelves of steel.


To make sure we highlight the clothes, we have worked with a white and bright look in the fashion-zones. We have used white recycled materials to underline the sustainable elements of OCE’s clothing collections.



二层/The second floor

由于店内空间狭紧凑,设计旨在充分利用每一个小角落,比如楼梯下的空间。Aspekt Office事务所将从未使用过的楼梯下空间,规划为展区。通过这种方式,使楼梯更为引人注目,将顾客引导向二层。

Since the store is very small and compact, we made it our mission to utilize even the tiniest little corner. This approach shows, in particular, under the stairs to the second floor. The cavity under the stairs was never used, but we have made it into an exhibition area. In this way, we highlight the stairs of the store and lead people to the second floor.



OCE wanted as much space for shelving as possible, and we wanted to make the room feel airy and spacy. To succeed with this quest, we have taken advantage of the natural light. In letting the light in, we create the feeling of more space. Because of the sparse space, we have worked with a minimalist expression and made all areas of the shop functional and usable.


Aspekt Office事务所致力于不断探索新的道路。推陈出新,拥抱更新鲜,年轻,现代的设计方法。本项目则充分体现出这种设计理念。

At Aspekt Office, we want to explore new paths, rebel against the existing, and embrace a more fresh, young, and modern approach to design. The new OCE store at Niels Hemmingensgade 3 reflects that style.


材料甄选/Choice of materials


To obtain the essential Scandinavian look and feel, we have worked with carefully selected materials. Scandinavian design is a design movement characterized by simplicity, minimalism, functionality, and beauty, and we had to mirror that in OCE’s new store.


衣架与置物架均为Aspekt Office事务所设计定制,由经过表面处理的钢材制成,坚固耐用,造型简单却彰显品质。店内为展示服装而特别设计的柜台由回收再利用的塑料制成。这些回收的塑料均来自废旧的酸奶罐。

We have produced all clothes-racks and shelving in coated steel with a robust industrial surface. They are simple in their expression, but they exude quality. The special-designed podiums of the store, made for showcasing clothes, are produced of reused plastic from Smile Plastics. The material used derives from old yogurt pots.


混凝土般的灰色油毡地毯铺满整间商店,营造出平静放松的氛围。此外,店内所有的窗帘都由羊毛制成。店内与门头的改造设计均基于对周边环境的尊重。在此前提下,Aspekt Office事务所为历史悠久的建筑带来了现代化的表达。

Throughout the store, you will find a linoleum floor with a concrete-like look, to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Wool is the used fabric on all curtains in the store. We have renovated the entire space in respect of the building and the surrounding area. With this in mind, we have updated the room and given it a modern boost.



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空间   |    12 october 2020   

文章来源:Aspekt Office官方授权

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