nendo 佐藤大 Creatures office
作为宝可梦的三大创始公司之一,Creatures Inc.公司主要担任宝可梦集换式卡牌游戏和宝可梦电子游戏系列衍生的数字游戏研发,以及宝可梦3D建模和动作设计制作。本次设计旨在为该公司的新办公室设计一个入口和会议空间。
As one of the three companies that originated Pokémon, Creatures Inc. engages mainly in the development of Pokémon Trading Card Game, digital games development that derives from the Pokémon video game series, and the production of 3D modeling and motion design of Pokémon. The project was to design an entrance and meeting space for their new office.
宝可梦集换式卡牌游戏自1996年10月发行以来一直受到全世界粉丝的喜爱。这些卡牌由一整面精心印制的大型纸张切割而来,单个尺寸为63mm x 88mm,其特别之处在于,每张卡牌都汇聚了充满创造性的想法和情感价值。因此,办公室的内部设计也自然而然地延续了卡牌制作过程所使用的语汇。
Since its release in October 1996, Pokémon Trading Card Game has long been loved by fans worldwide. The cards are manufactured by first printing a large sheet with a constellation of elaborate designs, which is then cut into small pieces of 63 mm width by 88 mm length. What makes the cards so special is that every piece is filled with creative ideas with a touch of emotional value. Thus, the interior design of the office naturally came to reference such vocabulary from the manufacturing process of the cards.
An abstract graphic pattern expressing the characteristics of Pokémon Trading Cards in their original size was engraved onto a 2.3 mm thick steel sheet with a laser cutter. After being cut out into the card shape, each piece was bent manually at twelve different angles so as to control the users’ views while adding texture to the space. In addition to the normal card designs, there are nine types of Energy cards as “secret items,” each hidden in the interior.
The layout is not of a conventional office with rectangular tables in rectangular rooms. The spaces come in different shapes and sizes, composed of curved walls. Furthermore, creating every table with an original organic form allows users to adjust the layout according to the meeting format or the number of participants.
The concept was inspired by the story behind the multiple organic shapes incorporated into the original logo of Creatures Inc. It expressed how living beings evolved by adapting to the environment or circumstances and how the company aims to keep being like them. The design is the outcome of striving to reflect such sentiment in the office environment.
佐藤大Oki Sato / Nendo创始人
佐藤大(Oki Sato),当今最受追捧的日本青年设计师,Nendo创始人,被美国 《新闻周刊》评为“最受世界尊敬的100位日本人”之一。曾获得米兰“Design Report 特别奖”、“JIDA30岁以下设计师竞赛奖”、“JCD新人奖”、“Good Design奖”、“Maison & Objet Paris 年度设计师奖”等重要设计奖项。其代表作品收藏于纽约现代美术馆、维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆、蓬皮杜文化中心等世界著名美术馆。2007年,Nendo设计工作室被评为“备受世界瞩目的日本100家中小企业”之一。
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nendo 佐藤大
Creatures office
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